Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Power Of Simplicity

Patty Kreamer is a professional speaker, author, consultant and residential and corporate organizer. Patty is the President of Kreamer Connect, Inc., a Pittsburgh-based company that helps individual and corporate clients become more productive and perform better while at the same time simplifying their work and lives. Patty has created the twenty-six week e-course Making Life Simple... Again!" and authored the book "But I Might Need It Someday". She is the President of the National Association of Professional Organizers - Pittsburgh chapter and President of and The National Speakers Association - Pittsburgh chapter.

The Power of Simplicity is a softcover book including a foreword, acknowledgements, introduction and an author biography. It is organized in the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Imagine the possibilities of simplicity
Chapter 2: Tackling the physical side of simplicity
Chapter 3: Confronting the emotional side of simplicity
Chapter 4: The Power of pause
Chapter 5: Taking inventory
Chapter 6: See it, say it, believe it-And it will come
Chapter 7: Dealing with procrastination-NOW!
Chapter 8: Take time to make time
Chapter 9: So many choices-not enough time
Chapter 10: Speaking simply-

When I began reading this book I was struck by a profound statement made by Patty in the introduction. She says "The issue is that as human beings, we tend to allow life to be difficult. Unfortunately, we are not alien creatures that would be satisfied with just the basics of survival: air, water, food, and shelter." Human beings complicate their lives endlessly and then find themselves trapped in overwhelm, depression and physical complaints triggered by their inability to make good choices.

Author: Patty Kreamer
Publisher: Publish Connect, 2429 Silver Oak Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 - 412-344-3252
ISBN 13: 0-9720001-1-9
Price: $14.99
Publication Date: April 2004
Page Count: 116 pages